Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vegan Mofo 2011 Has Begun!

Well this is our first year participating in Vegan Food Month (MoFo).  We are pretty excited about this!  In celebration, we have decided to do juice fasts of pure veggies and fruits!  We'll get our shizzle together tomorrow and post some starting stats and then report along the way.  Thankfully to fill some air time while we are juicing, last week, I  made some awesome vegan recipes I would like to share.  If anyone is interested in juicing with us, we'd love to have partners.  It's always easier when you have buddies!  Also be sure to check out the Vegan MoFo web site and sign up for the RSS feed of ALL of our blogs - and let me tell you there are A LOT.  So, happy Vegan Food Month!


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